Assalamaualikum and very good morning ... today mornign madam sned a message  please get ready for your Quiz 1 today. Topic1: Introduction to System Analysis and Design . And start quiz 1 at 8.00am-8.15am, Thursday, 14.10.2021. Compulsory sit today!

After do quiz dr check attendence for all student and all student ery happy to meet dr fiz and show hand week 3 .. peaceeeee heeheeheh ..

Then , dr want to continue grouping WBS and list group for example my group is 😄

PM haslina 25DDT19F2001
DA syarafina 25ddt19f2029
SA/P masyitah 25DDT19F2008
GD izzuddin 25DDT19F 2042
Movie website GROUP 1

Okay this is task for week 3 (14/10/2021) dr want to continue for inform their respective divisions or assignments in the WBS project. for example, what are the duties of a project manager and so on . Dr  told time to talk to the group until 9 p.m. DO THE BEST MY GROUP FOR PROJECT WBS ! 💓
