Hai assalamualikum .... today is week 5 ... today there are no classes because we attended the network workshop from 8.30 am to 12 noon. dr gives tasks to students to complete and a period to submit before 5 pm .. the first task is twin pair sharing .. dr gives a task related to the title " 1. Explain the features sampling techniques as the following: a) Random Sampling (2m)
GO ! and you can do it .. this is fourth task for today " 4. Give an example of documentation review to gain information about an educational institution for your project of Augmented Reality for Austism learners. Discuss the technique on a) Studies and reports that document the problem area. (3m) b) Suggestion box notes (3m) c) Customer complaints (3m) d) Information systems project requests in past and present. (2m) "
Hai today we will continue 28/10/2021 dr give a new task In Week 5, for Thursday’s task, create a questionnaire for category of close ended and open ended about requirements of your system (in a group of 4). Your respondents will be end user of the system. All the best!
Then dr continue with new task for week 5 . dr ask for do quiz 2 and PBE 1 for today . PBE 1 dr ask do with partner ..
for PBE 1 is so easy to do because this is chapter 2 .. dr ask if done for this PBE 1 submit this task at cidos platform ... before do pbe 1 dr give example brefieng for student got new nformation ... okay that all for today week 5 ...
this is mark i got on this quiz 2 .. alhamdulillah for the good result ... dont giveup for next quiz ! THANK YOU <3💕
b) Cluster Sampling (2m) c) Stratification Sampling (2m) "
After that , this is continue task for second number " 2. Define an interview during the preliminary investigation (2m) "
Then for third task is " 3. Describe THREE (3) advantages and disadvantages of questionnaire
applied by system developer during preliminary investigation (6m)"
GO ! and you can do it .. this is fourth task for today " 4. Give an example of documentation review to gain information about an educational institution for your project of Augmented Reality for Austism learners. Discuss the technique on a) Studies and reports that document the problem area. (3m) b) Suggestion box notes (3m) c) Customer complaints (3m) d) Information systems project requests in past and present. (2m) "
Hai today we will continue 28/10/2021 dr give a new task In Week 5, for Thursday’s task, create a questionnaire for category of close ended and open ended about requirements of your system (in a group of 4). Your respondents will be end user of the system. All the best!
For example my answer is :
for PBE 1 is so easy to do because this is chapter 2 .. dr ask if done for this PBE 1 submit this task at cidos platform ... before do pbe 1 dr give example brefieng for student got new nformation ... okay that all for today week 5 ...
after that , dr give student for do quiz 2 . "Good evening, tomorrow pls get ready for Quiz 2 and PBE1 assessment for Topic2: System Analysisi. Good luck."
this is mark i got on this quiz 2 .. alhamdulillah for the good result ... dont giveup for next quiz ! THANK YOU <3💕
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