Hai assalamualikum and very good morning today is sunday and have a good day everyone .... Can't wait to blog for the fourth week? Today at 17/10/2021 . Okay later we share anyway for the fourth week and what I learned for this week...💓 the first one dr said type your name and what time you in on team .... DR give task ok, Each student meeds to prepare Ishikawa Diagram based on your project. Thanks . After that , dr explain about What is a good project criteria that can be implemented in a phase of System Analysis regarding project usability? for example user friendly , good respond and so on ... After answer the question dr explain more about topic ishikawa diagram for teh project ..

After do istikawa diagram, dr ask for do coogle it with partner :

Hai today 21/10/2021 give link youtube for comment 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fja_H0xEBDk&lc=Ugy--T0w0DH9dMudHQ14AaABAg  and dr ask for comment about Provide your opinion comment regarding the importance of Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram that needs to be implemented by system administrator.

After comment , dr give more about information for this topic on youtube and all student good learning about this topic . im comment on youtube is " sequence diagram is structured in such a way that it represents a timeline which begins at the top and descends gradually to mark the sequence of interactions. Each object has a column and the messages exchanged between them are represented by arrows " 

After that , dr give forum in cidos 


- Your fact-finding  should have included a review of user needs , requirements and expectations .

-When you analyze this data , you should look for areas that might present problems for system users and how they might be resolved .


- The fact -finding data should identify the hardware , software , and network resources needed to develop , install and operate the system . 

- With this data , you can develop a checklist that will highlight technical coast and concerns if any 


-The fact-finding data should include stakeholders expectations regarding acceptable timing and completion dates . 


-Using the fact-finding data , you can apply the financial analysistools to assess feasibility .

-The cost benefit data will be an important factor for management to consider . "
