
Showing posts from October, 2021


Hai assalamualikum .... today is week 5 ... today there are no classes because we attended the network workshop from 8.30 am to 12 noon. dr gives tasks to students to complete and a period to submit before 5 pm .. the first task is twin pair sharing .. dr gives a task related to the title "  1 . Explain the features sampling techniques as the following:  a) Random Sampling (2m) b) Cluster Sampling (2m)  c) Stratification Sampling (2m) "  After that , this is continue task for second number "  2. Define an interview during the preliminary investigation (2m) "  Then for third task is "  3. Describe   THREE (3)  advantages and disadvantages of questionnaire  applied by system developer during preliminary investigation (6m)" GO ! and you can do it .. this is fourth task for today "  4. Give an example of documentation review to gain information about an educational institution for your project of Augmented Reality for Austism ...


  Hai assalamualikum and very good morning today is sunday and have a good day everyone .... Can't wait to blog for the fourth week? Today at 17/10/2021 . Okay later we share anyway for the fourth week and what I learned for this week...💓 the first one dr said type your name and what time you in on team .... DR give task  ok, Each student meeds to prepare Ishikawa Diagram based on your project. Thanks . After that , dr explain about  What is a good project criteria that can be implemented in a phase of System Analysis regarding project usability? for example user friendly , good respond and so on ... After answer the question dr explain more about topic ishikawa diagram for teh project .. After do istikawa diagram, dr ask for do coogle it with partner : Hai today 21/10/2021 give link youtube for comment  and dr ask for comment about  Provide your opinion comment regarding ...


 Assalamaualikum and very good morning ... today mornign madam sned a message  please get ready for your Quiz 1 today. Topic1: Introduction to System Analysis and Design . And start quiz 1 at 8.00am-8.15am, Thursday, 14.10.2021. Compulsory sit today! After do quiz dr check attendence for all student and all student ery happy to meet dr fiz and show hand week 3 .. peaceeeee heeheeheh .. Then , dr want to continue grouping WBS and list group for example my group is 😄 PM haslina 25DDT19F2001 DA syarafina 25ddt19f2029 SA/P masyitah 25DDT19F2008 GD izzuddin 25DDT19F 2042 Movie website GROUP 1 Okay this is task for week 3 (14/10/2021) dr want to continue for inform their respective divisions or assignments in the WBS project. for example, what are the duties of a project manager and so on . Dr  told time to talk to the group until 9 p.m. DO THE BEST MY GROUP FOR PROJECT WBS ! 💓


 Hai assalamualikum and good morning to all of you . 3 august 2021 meet DR FIZ at second week . Today Dr want to student present about assignment last week .  And then dr fiz assigning assignments to fill in information as students arrive today.  Hai assalamualikum .... today ask for student type information " Pls type your name, reg number, program and time u sign in Teams for today's attendance, 7.10.2021, Thursday"  After that , dr asked students to watch a video on youtube . this is the best video and also good contents in this video . Then after watching this video dr ask students for Take a piece of paper, with a pen  write down an important notes regarding System Development Approach in mind mapping concept. You may choose tree, fish or cloud style for this purpose and dr give time for do 8 am until 9 am . After all finish the answer we continue with our class  All must enter Teams and type ur ...


  Assalamualikum... assalamualaikum all. My name is haslina binti azimi from DDT4NW1. I studied at Mersing Polytechnic, Johor. At 26 september 2021 i want to share the first day of learning system analysis and design. MY favourite lecturer is DR FIZ . she teach me at this semester 4 . . Then, madam gave the google team link to the students for madam to accept the students into the class group and we introduced ourselves to dr fiz. after introducing herself, madam exhibits the examination sheet that students need to score . After that, madam told the students to watch the video link given to understand the way of delivery. after watching, madam asked the students for comments and liked the video given. 👍 At 30 september 2021 start for class and DR FIZZ give link attendence for all student and madam want to take a picture . Then dr start chapter 1 for topic system analysia and design . The best part is dr fiz explains in more depth about topic one to all students. after the end of...